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joi, 23 decembrie 2010

Lil Wayne Vorbeste despre reprezantatia de la SNL alaturi de Eminem si de urmatoarea aparitie pe coperta celor de la Rolling Stones!

Rapper-ul american Lil Wayne a lasat un mesaj mai devreme pe WTY vorbind despre show-ul facut alaturi de rapper-ul Eminem sambata seara la SNL si despre aparitia lui pe coperta celor de la revista Rolling Stones.Deasemenea a multumit si tuturor fanilor lui care au facut ca single "6 foot 7 foot " sa ajunga pe prima pozitie in topul celor de la Itunnes!

"Hello World & Fellow Martians! I hope you enjoyed my Saturday Night Live performance. I can’t describe what it felt like being back in my element. I wanted to share some behind the scenes photos from my Rolling Stone photo shoot. The shoot was in Miami two weeks ago and just being able to do this type of stuff again is therapeutic. Be sure to pick up the issue when it hits stands. Thank you to the people at Rolling Stone for the opportunity.
PS: Thank you for making 6 foot 7 foot #1 on itunes, you will continue to be #1 in my heart."

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